Tuesday, April 3, 2012

M&C in the making

Mark and I had a little confrontation last Sunday Morning.

No, not a fight. Just a lil confrontation, which we think is healthy for every relationship.

I've been very sketchy these past few weeks; pushy towards him to do this and do that. Been very inconsiderate with his situations and opinions.

He told me I am selfish. Yeah. HE SAID THAT IN MY FACE; and i was flabbergasted.I didn't retaliate cause i know he's right. He spoke of many things like about how silly i am, how manipulative i am, how imperfect i am. I hold off my tears, but inside me, I was breaking; like literally breaking! I wanted to say a word or two to somehow explain my side; but something's shutting off my mouth. 

Listening to his lament made me realize i was such a brat. I said sorry and told him, probably I am not ready for a lifetime commitment yet. But he turned to me and said "amidst everything, i still want to marry you next year."

I don't know where he's getting that love. i dont have any idea where he's getting that supply of patience and kindness he has for me. All i know is that i am so blessed to have this kind of man who loves me amidst my flaws and imperfections. 

As a response, i asked God to change the things i need to change in my me so that i can give Mark what he deserves from me. I know i still have a very long way to go, but i just need to be patient on this process.

All these time i thought he's blessed because I am his girlfriend; but now i realized, i am more blessed because i am in a relationship with one of the most wonderful men Heaven has ever designed; and that this guy is willing to grow old with me and is willing to experience the grey hair and wrinkled-skin days with me! i wonder how our family would look like and how we're gonna spend those days together. 

I am so much blessed and loved.

Oh please 2013. please come soon!

Monday, April 2, 2012


Reposted from photography school.
i think this is really helpful to all aspiring photographers (like me)

Sample Poses to Get You Started with Photographing Female Subjects












So, there’s something for you to start with. Hope you will find at least couple of poses to work with in different shooting scenarios! Keep in mind that each of the initial sample poses is meant to be only a starting point. Each pose has endless variations! Just be creative and adjust the pose as needed (for example, try different shooting angles and ask your subject to change hand, head and leg positioning etc.)